Tuesday, February 5, 2008

PrEciOus mOmEnTS

I took a few pictures for my mom a little while ago and snailed mailed them to her, since my computer had been on the mend the past couple months. They're not professsional but, just as cute.

These pictures look the same but the first one Zion is smiling, and the second Ezekiel is smiling. So I put them both.
And this "Kodak" moment of lil' Ez, I'm afraid I can't take credit for. Eric took it without effort. He's such a little man, isn't he!


Anonymous said...

My due date is June 19 scary!!!! I can't believe you have two kids that is just craziness. So are you coming home any time soon? Zion looks exactly like you, they are both so darling, I would love to see them in person.

Stephanie said...

EZ is so big. He's adorable. And little Zion is so cute!!! I am so glad that you have a blog.

Bowen Family said...

Your kids are sooo darling! I just want to smooch those cheeks of theirs! I sure am excited to have you back online, I've missed all you cute posts.


Michelle said...

What adorable kids!!! They are seriously so cute!

Sara/Megan said...

I am so glad I finally found your blog. Your kids are SO CUTE!! I haven't even seen picture of EZ until now. What a cute boy.

Sultry said...

They are adorably yummy!