Sunday, June 22, 2008

All grown up

Ez and Zion and her 'fro! Believe it or not, I had flat ironed her hair the day before, I think that's why it is so big!
Zion loves helping me feed Ezekiel, what a big sister.

Ez loves to eat, I love his messy face, it's so cute!

What a big boy!
Yes, Ez is standing now! He pulls himself up on almost everything. I can't believe, my baby is growing so fast, where did 9 months go?


Michelle said...

I can't believe he's already 9 months old!!! I love his big smile :)

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. Look at his straight hair!! Hendryx looks more like a white boy and Zaida looks more black, I think the same for your kids. Too freakin cute. When are you coming?

Anonymous said...

how cute is he. I can't believe how big he is, He looks so much like you when you where that age. Yup swap the black hair for red and brown eys for blue and thats you. Soooooo adorable.I want to kiss him all over that sweet face.

The Bruces said...

oh my gosh I love the fro... you know I always wanted her to have a fro. I am still trying to get my sis to let eastens hair grow into one but that will never happen.
is ez's hair strait? he is getting so big I cant wait to hug those little ones!

Sammy said...

They are to cute, I just can't wait to see them! Whenever you come up here that is!

Emily said...

Cute kids! I am so jealous of their beautiful skin!! Flawless!!