Sunday, May 25, 2008

little swimmer

Eric and I, well mostly Eric, started swimming laps at the college pool. And yes, I bought myself a swim cap, don't laugh, it really helps quite a bit, and the goggles too. And Zion loves to play dress up, and I was, I'm not a mean mom, but I had to see what she looked like....and of course I took some pictures to share with all of you.


The Bruces said...

oh how cute, thats so funny, I love doing
things like that to the girls...

Anonymous said...

I typed this two days ago and I guess it didn't stick so i'll try again. If zion looks like that all squooshed into that cap I can only imagine what it looks like on your can I say larger head? ha ha. kids are so funny . boy does she like to dress up. It's a good thing she's a girl.

Unknown said...

Ha HA that is to funny! now we need to see you in the cap!

Brooke said...

that is so funny!