Friday, April 4, 2008

Fun with Friends

Over the weekend we went to our friends Danny & Suzie's for a BBQ, yummy. Later in the evening Eric and Danny played X-BOX while Suzie helped me give the kids a bath. Then Zion and her friend Alexis had so much fun running around and getting into everything. And poor Ez got caught in the middle of 2 girls. The picture just says it all.


Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Kristy.... Thanks for the birthday wish! I can't believe you remembered! You're family is soooo cute! I'm glad that you are doing well, and you look GREAT!!!! I hope we can keep in touch!

Amy said...

Fun! I love BBQs that is what spring and summer are all about! Miss you!

Sultry said...

Hey, finally got a chance to check out the blog. I loved spending time with your family. Come again soon!